Brilliant inkjet printing solution

The world’s most trusted inkjet equipment company for printing system, material control and process know-how.

About us
Korea's first printing electronic
inkjet system specialty company

02’ 09Company established

07’ 03Released mass production inkjet facility line

08’ 06Established the company-affiliated research institute

09’ 01INNO BIZ Enterprise Certification

12’ 09Developed and delivered the world’s first OLED Lighting Encapsulation

15’ 09Delivered OLED Display Encapsulation Mass Production Facility (4.5G Half)

17’ 11Awarded the Industry and Trade Resources Minister Commendation (President Kim Seok-soon)

19’ 12Delivered Ultra thin film TFE inkjet systems for 19’12Micro Display

20’ 06Selected as Gyeonggi Province’s Promising Small and Medium-sized Enterprise for Export

20’ 12Attracted investment of 11.16 billion KRW from Arges a1 PEF

21’ 03ISO9001, ISO14001 Certification, Materials, Parts, Equipment Specialist Certification

21’ 04Head Office Relocation (Seongnam → Hwaseong Dongtan)

21’ 0505 Lab and Support Facilities Relocation (Seongnam → Hwaseong Dongtan)


· Over 120 global customers

· More than 30 ink/head suppliers

· Advanced technology development and R&D collaboration compared to rival companies


Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions, please leave them and the relevant department will check and respond.

  • TEL: 031-611-4876 / Sales: 031-662-5126
  • ks.lim@unijet.co.kr
  • 120 Masan 4-ro, Jinwi-myeon, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do
Online inquiry
Brilliant inkjet printing solution

The world’s most trusted inkjet equipment company for printing system, material control and process know-how.

About us
Korea's first printing electronic
inkjet system specialty company

02’ 09회사설립

07’ 03양산용 잉크젯 설비라인 출시

08’ 06기업부설연구소 설립

12’ 09세계최초 OLED Lighting Encapsulation 양산설비 개발 및 납품

15’ 09OLED Display Encapsulation 양산설비 납품(4.5G Half)

17’ 11산업통상자원부장관 표창(김석순 대표)

19’ 12Micro Display용 초박막 TFE 잉크젯 시스템 납품

20’ 12아르게스 에이원 PEF 투자유치 111.6억

21’ 03ISO9001, ISO14001 인증 / 소재.부품.장비 전문기업 인증

21’ 04본점 및 연구시설 이전(성남→화성 동탄)

21'10정보디스플레이대상 우수상 수상(김석순 대표)

21.12경기도 유망중소기업 선정

22'06ISO45001 인증

22'07본점 및 연구시설 이전(화성 동탄→ 평택 진위3산단)

23'08Black Bezel 인쇄용 R to R 양산설비 납품

24'05석탑산업훈장 수훈(김석순 대표)


· Over 120 global customers

· More than 30 ink/head suppliers

· Advanced technology development and R&D collaboration compared to rival companies


Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions, please leave them and the relevant department will check and respond.

  • TEL: 031-611-4876 / Sales: 031-662-5126
  • ks.lim@unijet.co.kr
  • 120 Masan 4-ro, Jinwi-myeon, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do
Online inquiry